“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.
Starting March 1st, 2012. The ordinary, the beautiful, and the special aspects of my life for one year. A year I hope to be kind to me. Rather than become a burden, I want this to be a way to escape, reflect, and observe life a little closer every day. This is for me. If others find it interesting then all the better.
The one rule: Snap a single photo every day and share it here. The one caveat: I wont post a photo every day, but will do so in 5-7 day chunks. Just know, I am taking a photo every day.
Camera Commentary: Due to higher than normal temperatures (and if you ask Ricky, some fertilizer) the garden is excelling this year! We've already got tomatoes on the vine and peppers starting.
Im grateful that I grew up with a camera in my face and piles of photos to remember. For years now Ive been the one with the camera and a desire to remember.
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