The one rule: Snap a single photo every day and share it here. The one caveat: I wont post a photo every day, but will do so in 5-7 day chunks. Just know, I am taking a photo every day.

115..June 23rd

Camera Commentary: My love of crafting is in over-drive lately! I've had plans to make this for our friends Steffen & Kate's upcoming wedding and here it is complete. She is from California and he is from Alaska.

114...June 22nd

Camera Commentary: Due to higher than normal temperatures (and if you ask Ricky, some fertilizer) the garden is excelling this year! We've already got tomatoes on the vine and peppers starting.

113...June 21st

Camera Commentary: The epitome of a perfect Summer night- cool weather, a pink sunset sky, fireflies, AND a double rainbow! Take it all in.

111 & 112...June 19th and June 20th

Technology fail. While copying over my photos I apparently was in such a hurry that I deleted these two days instead of copied them. Once I realized my error, it was too late to hit undo. If I recall these photos were of some beautiful nature and my new crockpot in action.

110...June 18th

Camera Commentary: Just got into the house in time for this crazy storm to set in. The clouds did look pretty spectacular though.

109...June 17th

Camera Commentary: Im breaking a rule- I didnt take this picture. Its Fathers Day, so I though it only fitting to post a photo of the person who I have to thank for my "photographic gene." Rather then dwell on all my Dad is going to miss these next few months, I took the time to be happy today because I know how much my happiness meant to him.

108..June 16th

Camera Commentary: Ann Arbor's Summer Festival is a month long event of live music, entertainment, food, and fun every night. With the sun not setting until 10pm up here, its an amazingly fun way to spend the summer nights. This is a crazy acrobat.

107..June 15th

Camera Commentary: Hanging out in the Ft. Lauderdale airport before my flight when I caught a glimpse of this tourist gift. It made me chuckle that FL is always thought of as beaches, sun, and smiling dolphins/gators.

106..June 14th

Camera Commentary: For my last day in FL we spent an early morning at the beach. Its amazing how peaceful the beach is at 9am- already really hot though!

105..June 13th

Camera Commentary: Sunflowers from the bridal shower still looking happy.

104..June 12th

Camera Commentary: One other thing I miss about FL- the rice, beans, and chicken at Pollo Tropical. Our reward for wedding dress shopping all afternoon.

103..June 11th

Camera Commentary: There are very few things I miss about FL- however, the pool in our backyard is one of them.

102..June 10th

Camera Commentary: I always knew my best friends were amazing girls, but they are also amazing bridesmaids! With a weeks notice they threw me a beautiful bridal shower- complete with this cute hanger for my wedding dress. Love them!

101..June 9th

Camera Commentary: It wouldn't be a trip to South FL without torrential downpours of rain.

100..June 8th

Camera Commentary: I started this blog on my trip to FL in March, so its only somehow fitting that my 100th post is heading to FL! Sitting on the plane waiting for take off.

99..June 7th

Camera Commentary: Packing to head to Florida for the week and Molly isn't too happy about it.

98..June 6th

Camera Commentary: This little bunny made his home in the hay in our garden right under the hop vines.

97..June 5th

Camera Commentary: Quite the summer meal- corn, mashed potatoes, and corn-flake battered baked chicken. Mmm.

96..June 4th

Camera Commentary: I've got way into growing ornamental annual flowers for cut arrangements. These are some just planted Zinnias.

95..June 3rd

Camera Commentary: The Taste of Ann Arbor is a delicious way to sample lots of mini treats from the eateries of downtown- including a University of Michigan apple pie.

94..June 2nd

Camera Commentary: You don't always need a special reason to bake cake other then it being delicious.

93..June 1st

Camera Commentary: A gloomy day calls for a lazy day with an equally lazy dog.