“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.
Starting March 1st, 2012. The ordinary, the beautiful, and the special aspects of my life for one year. A year I hope to be kind to me. Rather than become a burden, I want this to be a way to escape, reflect, and observe life a little closer every day. This is for me. If others find it interesting then all the better.
The one rule: Snap a single photo every day and share it here. The one caveat: I wont post a photo every day, but will do so in 5-7 day chunks. Just know, I am taking a photo every day.
Camera Commentary: I had every intent to post a photo of our garden since thats what we did all day...until this unexpectedly happened! After 6 years together, he asked me to marry him while sitting in our beautiful backyard. I couldn't have asked for more.
Im grateful that I grew up with a camera in my face and piles of photos to remember. For years now Ive been the one with the camera and a desire to remember.
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