The one rule: Snap a single photo every day and share it here. The one caveat: I wont post a photo every day, but will do so in 5-7 day chunks. Just know, I am taking a photo every day.

92..May 31st

Camera Commentary: Its been a weird month for weather. Today was quite chilly, overcast, and rainy - felt more like October then May.

91..May 30th

Camera Commentary: Another DIY wedding project- the card basket for the gift table! It feels so good to be crafty and artsy again.

90..May 29th

Camera Commentary: A previous owner planted this pretty Clematis vine on our fence. With the early warm weather it got so many buds that all finally bloomed into this beauty!

89..May 28th

Camera Commentary: ..and here is the deck with a shiny new coat of paint! It was tedious work with 2 paint brushes, but I have to admit it looks so much better now.

88..May 27th

Camera Commentary: As if we dont have enough going on already, Ricky decided it was a good weekend to re-do the deck. Here is the deck stripped and clean of paint..

87..May 26th

Camera Commentary: Ricky's Dad came in for the day and we decided to take a trip to the batting cages.

86..May 25th

Camera Commentary: My first DIY wedding project- the basket for the guest favors.

85..May 24th

Camera Commentary: Our blueberry bushes outside are getting ready to give us delicious blueberries!

84..May 23rd

Camera Commentary: This beautiful Peony lives right outside our front door! We have two bushes out front that a previous owner planted.

83..May 22nd

Camera Commentary: The 90 year old Peony garden at UM is amazing for sights and smells. I could spend all afternoon here.

82..May 21st

I started this photo blog as a way to document a new year- a year I hoped to be kind to me. Well, this year is so far very kind to me, but all of a sudden busier then imagined with planning a wedding.
All a long way of saying, I forgot to take a photo today and its OK.

81..May 20th

Camera Commentary: Ricky is back to playing baseball this Summer. Hopefully its a season without injury and lots of winning. Go Meerkats!

80..May 19th

Camera Commentary: The much anticipated Walk & Wag arrived! Molly had tons of fun and we were happy to have a tired puppy. Overall, we raised $270 for HSHV!

79..May 18th

Camera Commentary: Growing sunflowers from seed in the garden. I always love to see when they first come up from the ground and still have their seed caps on.

78..May 17th

Camera Commentary: I can't get enough of this photo of my Mom as a baby. Adorable.

77..May 16th

Camera Commentary: The Farmer's Market is amazing in every season. Right now, they've got loads of flowers and veggies to plant!

76..May 15th

Camera Commentary: Just another quirky aspect of this dog- she digs holes in the yard and buries rawhide bones in them. She also "digs" in the house and tries to bury them indoors too.

75..May 14th

Camera Commentary: Another year of gardening all ready to grow. This year, I decided to put in supports for the squash and sugar snap peas for a (hopefully) better yield.

74..May 13th

Camera Commentary: Weeks ago we had planned some outdoor play-time today, but with our new engagement our friends decided to also bring over some sparkling bubbly to toast the occasion. Good times all around.

73..May 12th

Camera Commentary: I had every intent to post a photo of our garden since thats what we did all day...until this unexpectedly happened! After 6 years together, he asked me to marry him while sitting in our beautiful backyard. I couldn't have asked for more.

72..May 11th

Camera Commentary: Happy 1st Birthday Molly Mutt! Im very thankful we decided to get you during a very rough year of my life- you bring happiness, distraction, and immense cuteness to our life.

71..May 10th

Camera Commentary: I spend so much time outdoors and on trails that you would think by now I'd have a good pair of hiking shoes- nope! I just recently bought the best pair of shoes ever and plan to wear them pretty much everywhere.

70..May 9th

Camera Commentary: We spent the day in Holland, MI for the Tulip Festival! However, due to a very early and warm spring, all the tulips were basically just stems by this point. These in the bike are beautiful, but fake.

69..May 8th

Camera Commentary: Ricky's Aunt Gail came to visit us. Before we went downtown for dinner we swung by the Arboretum for a quick tour.

68..May 7th

Camera Commentary: Just one of the many perks of a 2-month break is ample time to leisure read! I'm such a book worm.

67..May 6th

Camera Commentary: Our first trip to Home Depot this season to get the garden and outdoor going! Put flowers in all the window boxes and planters, as well as spread the garden with compost and some topsoil. Veggies go in this weekend!

66..May 5th

Camera Commentary: The 14th Annual Garlic Mustard Weed Out Day! Spent the morning working with volunteers and this cute little family removing garlic mustard and bittercress from Redbud Nature Area.

65..May 4th

Camera Commentary: Ive always wanted to make lemon bars, so I gave it a go for a Cinco De Mayo get-together. They were pretty tasty and "light," despite having a cup of butter and 3 cups of sugar in them!

64..May 3rd

Camera Commentary: After having central AC all our lives its still hard to adjust to one little window unit. Its only the beginning of May, but today was a record high of 89ish, so this got lugged up from the basement.

63..May 2nd

Camera Commentary: Our newest night time TV series indulgence- Mad Men. Starting on Season 1.

62..May 1st

Camera Commentary: Still sick..and getting seriously sick of drinking hot tea.

61..April 30th

Camera Commentary: Woke up surprisingly sick and with a raging sore throat on Monday morning. Soup, pills, and a day off from work it is..

60..April 29th

Camera Commentary: After badly stubbing my toe and possibly jamming up my foot I finally gave in and put on a brace. Of course this was only after I walked some trails for an afternoon and hurt it more.. Oops.