The one rule: Snap a single photo every day and share it here. The one caveat: I wont post a photo every day, but will do so in 5-7 day chunks. Just know, I am taking a photo every day.

August 17th...

I started this blog with a few simple words and as a reason to find the good and happiness in every day. My few simple words included "this not becoming a burden." I always felt that as soon as updating and taking photos daily become a burden I would, that day happened about a week ago. 

I've taken a few shots since July 31st but honestly they were photos just to get the task done..and that wasnt the point of this blog. When I kept taking photos of my dinner and things around the house I knew the general idea of the blog was dead..and it needed a break.

In 2011 I needed to find little ways each day to even be close to happy and I thought that is what I would need this year. With the big changes in my life in 2012 it became much easier to find happiness and the beauty in each all got easier each day. 

So, I've decided to stop the blog idea as it was- 366 days of photos- and rather I will revisit some other kind of photo blog when I feel the time is right and when my mind needs it most.

153...July 31st

Camera Commentary: After a constant struggle with pesky rabbits eating all my zinnias it appears that this one may have made it long enough to bloom! Fingers crossed.

152...July 30th

Camera Commentary: I can't stop crafting! Two months to go and most of the crafts are done...until I get another idea in my head.

151...July 29th

Camera Commentary: The garden is in full swing right now. For the past 3 weeks we have picked at least 10 grape tomatoes daily to add to this bowl!

150...July 28th

Camera Commentary: The delicious ingredients for bruschetta thanks to our garden! Well, the cheese was not home grown.

149...July 27th

Camera Commentary: Despite the blurry photo, this is a stack of wall insulation that a previous owner left in our basement. Since it was taking up space I looked into selling it and sure enough it sold! Thanks previous owner.

148...July 26th

Camera Commentary: Hands down the most exciting part of my day was buying groceries again after being gone a week. I love a stocked pantry and fridge.

147...July 25th

Camera Commentary: Few things tire out the Energizer Bunny that is Molly more than a week long trip to Camp Bow Wow.

146...July 24th

Since I spent the past 7 days taking multiple photos a day I thought I deserved a pass. Also, this day consisted of sleeping in the airport, not getting on planes, and being exhausted so I was truly in no mood.

145...July 23rd

Camera Commentary: The reason for visiting the Pacific Northwest- our friends Steffen and Kate tied the knot! Beautiful wedding.

144...July 22nd

Camera Commentary: Stopped by Washington Park's collection of roses. They smelled and looked great!

143...July 21st

Camera Commentary: Enjoyed the afternoon driving the Columbia River Gorge scenic highway and stopping along the way to hike some waterfalls. Amazing.

142...July 20th

Camera Commentary: Our trip up to the Mt. Hood area went pretty much the opposite of what we had planned, but the ZigZag trail was by far the most amazingly green and lush forest we ever saw.

141...July 19th

Camera Commentary: By way of the BoltBus we made it to Portland, OR! Yeah, it was pretty weird.

140...July 18th

Camera Commentary: We made it to Seattle a day earlier than planned but went with it. Pretty amazing "park" with the city backdrop and water frontal view.

139...July 17th

Camera Commentary: Hanging out in the airport waiting for a secondary standby flight to Seattle since we didn't make it on the Portland one. Standby flying is tough business.

138...July 16th

Camera Commentary: Perks of my job include getting to do afternoon site visits to beautiful places such as the Huron river.

137...July 15th

Camera Commentary: Even Molly is wondering how 2 people acquire so much laundry to fold.

136...July 14th

Camera Commentary: A Saturday full of failures and mishaps regarding wedding crafts of the DIY nature. The silver lining is we did get about 50 clean and ready to label beer bottles.

135...July 13th

Camera Commentary: We decided to give her a towel to play with like she had when she was a puppy. She proceeded to rip a hole in it and play superhero with it. Best dog ever.

134...July 12th

I'm not perfect. Photo forgotten.

133...July 11th

Camera Commentary: My friend just got two new kittens! This little one tuckered itself out right in my lap.

132...July 10th

Camera Commentary: A new farmers market opened right down the street from us so we took the opportunity to bike there.

131...July 9th

Camera Commentary: Today was my first day back to work after enjoying 2 months off. I felt I deserved a reward.

130...July 8th

Camera Commentary: We finally got around to cutting up that tree that blew down. Hooray for more fire wood for our fireplace we can't ever properly light.

129...July 7th

Camera Commentary: Detroit has an AMAZING outdoor Farmers Market with literally 100's of vendors ranging from veggies to meat to fruit pies to flowers. I can't wait to go back in every season.

128...July 6th

Camera Commentary: Our first garden yield that wasn't lettuce. There are so many just waiting to ripen out there!

127...July 5th

Camera Commentary: A crazy 5-minute storm passed over Ann Arbor that brought strong wind gusts and hail. The dead standing tree (background) finally toppled over as did many branches on the Maple.

126...July 4th

Camera Commentary: It's still weird to go to public pools after growing up with one in your backyard, but with a heat index of 100+ it was the only proper way to spend the 4th of July.

125...July 3rd

Camera Commentary: One year ago today we brought home a calm, small puppy named Portia. A year later she is a crazy, medium dog named Molly.

124...July 2nd

Camera Commentary: Biggest zucchini EVER. We made delicious zucchini chips out of this big boy.

123...July 1st

Camera Commentary: Our first yard sale! Despite my best attempts at advertising and flyering, we only made $15 for 4hrs of "work."It was a fun experience though.

122...June 30th

Camera Commentary: They are here! Our wedding invitations and RSVP postcards arrived and we spent the entire night labeling, addressing, and stickering.

121...June 29th

Camera Commentary: Despite the dark photo, this is a handmade groomsmen boutonniere that I've been playing around with lately. Almost perfected.

120...June 28th

Camera Commentary: The theme of this week is apparently the heat. The last thermometer reading of 100 degrees is the outside temperature. Ouch.

119...June 27th

Camera Commentary: After having one fish in our aquarium for far too long I decided to get him some buddies- 3 blood-finned tetras and 1 zebra fish.

118...June 26th

Camera Commentary: Another homemade goodie to keep cool during this heat wave are these delicious OJ and fresh fruit popsicles.

117...June 25th

Camera Commentary: Normally I dont crave smoothies living up here, but with the heat wave pushing on by this was a delicious lunch time treat.

116..June 24th

Camera Commentary: Our first yield of garden greens- delicious!

115..June 23rd

Camera Commentary: My love of crafting is in over-drive lately! I've had plans to make this for our friends Steffen & Kate's upcoming wedding and here it is complete. She is from California and he is from Alaska.

114...June 22nd

Camera Commentary: Due to higher than normal temperatures (and if you ask Ricky, some fertilizer) the garden is excelling this year! We've already got tomatoes on the vine and peppers starting.

113...June 21st

Camera Commentary: The epitome of a perfect Summer night- cool weather, a pink sunset sky, fireflies, AND a double rainbow! Take it all in.

111 & 112...June 19th and June 20th

Technology fail. While copying over my photos I apparently was in such a hurry that I deleted these two days instead of copied them. Once I realized my error, it was too late to hit undo. If I recall these photos were of some beautiful nature and my new crockpot in action.

110...June 18th

Camera Commentary: Just got into the house in time for this crazy storm to set in. The clouds did look pretty spectacular though.

109...June 17th

Camera Commentary: Im breaking a rule- I didnt take this picture. Its Fathers Day, so I though it only fitting to post a photo of the person who I have to thank for my "photographic gene." Rather then dwell on all my Dad is going to miss these next few months, I took the time to be happy today because I know how much my happiness meant to him.

108..June 16th

Camera Commentary: Ann Arbor's Summer Festival is a month long event of live music, entertainment, food, and fun every night. With the sun not setting until 10pm up here, its an amazingly fun way to spend the summer nights. This is a crazy acrobat.

107..June 15th

Camera Commentary: Hanging out in the Ft. Lauderdale airport before my flight when I caught a glimpse of this tourist gift. It made me chuckle that FL is always thought of as beaches, sun, and smiling dolphins/gators.

106..June 14th

Camera Commentary: For my last day in FL we spent an early morning at the beach. Its amazing how peaceful the beach is at 9am- already really hot though!

105..June 13th

Camera Commentary: Sunflowers from the bridal shower still looking happy.

104..June 12th

Camera Commentary: One other thing I miss about FL- the rice, beans, and chicken at Pollo Tropical. Our reward for wedding dress shopping all afternoon.

103..June 11th

Camera Commentary: There are very few things I miss about FL- however, the pool in our backyard is one of them.

102..June 10th

Camera Commentary: I always knew my best friends were amazing girls, but they are also amazing bridesmaids! With a weeks notice they threw me a beautiful bridal shower- complete with this cute hanger for my wedding dress. Love them!

101..June 9th

Camera Commentary: It wouldn't be a trip to South FL without torrential downpours of rain.

100..June 8th

Camera Commentary: I started this blog on my trip to FL in March, so its only somehow fitting that my 100th post is heading to FL! Sitting on the plane waiting for take off.